In The Game of Life Junior game kids embark on an exciting family vacation Players choose their mover - a car, train, ship or a plane and head off to their chosen destination. They could visit a jungle the beach or even a castle!
- Earn money towards the win with Animal Action cards.
- Players show off their skills such as walking like a penguin or making a fish face
- An Activity Action card can also earn cash
- They encourage kids to engage in conversation about their favourite experiences and other fun topics
- Just like with any vacation there can be setbacks and Event Action cards have players losing money for things such as lost luggage or forgetting a swimsuit
- The player with the most cash at the end of the game wins!
- Bring out this board game for Family Game Night play dates and indoor activities For kids ages 5 and up
For 2 to 4 players
Suitable for children aged: 5+